Welcome to North Cadbury Village Hall
The Village Hall and Reading Room have a completely traditional appearance but have been modernised internally and are available to hire for public and private events.
The Main Hall
The large wood-panelled hall has all the character of an older building but was updated in 2016 to include a modern kitchen and bar (equipped with serving hatches) and new toilets. Full disabled access is available throughout. Baby changing facilities are available.
A PA system is available to users and a Hearing Loop is installed. The stage is fully-equipped and is suitable for theatrical productions and musical events. A 16:9 ratio (4.5m x 2.25m) electric cinema screen was installed in 2017.
The Hall accommodates 200 people for theatre or dancing; 125 for dancing with table seating and 99 where there is full table seating. Twenty foldable tables, each sufficient for up to eight persons, are stored under the stage on easy-roll wagons. Chairs for the full capacity are stored in a separate area off the Hall with a high-capacity trolley to move them into place.
Reading Room
This large room was originally the village school. It was completely modernised in 2004 with new carpeting and new heating and lighting. The room contains tables and comfortable, upholstered chairs sufficient for up to forty people. There is a Hearing-Loop installed. This room has its own modern small kitchen with full tea and coffee-making facilities. There are toilets close by with full disabled facilities.
Premises Licence
The Hall and the Reading Room are licensed for plays, films, music, dancing, indoor sports, late night refreshment and the sale of alcohol.
Playing Field
Outside the Hall is a playing field with seats and a children’s playground with swings, cone roundabout and climbing frame. There are two tennis courts in the playing field which are available for hire via North Cadbury Tennis Club (for further information see the Tennis Club section on our What's On page).
Outside the Hall is a playing field with seats and a children’s playground with swings, cone roundabout and climbing frame. Located in the playing field is the Platinum Jubilee Copse. There are two tennis courts in the playing field which are available for hire via North Cadbury Tennis Club (for further information see the Tennis Club section on our What's On page).
Coming Up
Events - See 'What's On' Page for more details and Ticket information
February 2025
19th: Little City Play Sessions - 2 morning sessions. Pre-booking essential
19th: Gardening Club - 3rd Wednesday of the month - 7 for 7.30pm - Non members welcome (£5 charge)
21st: Film Night - Wicked Little Letters - Doors open 7pm
22nd: Village Coffee Morning and 200 Club draw - 10.30am - All welcome
22nd: Barn Dance & Ploughmans Supper - Tickets now available
26th: Women's Group - 4th Wednesday of the month - 10am - 12 Noon - New members welcome
Folk Night - 1st Tuesday of the month - 7.30-10.30pm
Table Tennis - Every Tuesday - 6.30-8.30pm - Pay and Play
4th, 11th & 25th: Art Class 10am-12 Noon
March 2025
4th: Pancake Evening - 6-7.30pm
4th, 11th, 18th & 25th: Art Class 10am-12 Noon
8th: Charity Jumble Sale - 2-4pm
15th: Friends of St Michaels Church Event - 7pm
19th: Gardening Club - 3rd Wednesday of the month - 7 for 7.30pm - Non members welcome (£5 charge)
21st: Film Night - The Bucket List - 7 for 7.30pm
22nd: Village Quiz Night - Doors open 7pm
26th: Women's Group - 4th Wednesday of the month - 10am - 12 Noon - New members welcome
29th: Village Coffee Morning and 200 Club draw - 10.30am - All welcome
Folk Night - 1st Tuesday of the month - 7.30-10.30pm
Table Tennis - Every Tuesday - 6.30-8.30pm - Pay and Play
Regular Events
Tennis Club - Club night Every Monday - 6pm
Folk Night - 1st Tuesday of the month - 7.30-10.30pm
Table Tennis - Every Tuesday - 6.30-8.30pm - Pay and Play
Gardening Club - 3rd Wednesday of the month - 7 for 7.30pm - Non members welcome (£5 charge)
Women's Group - 4th Wednesday of the month - 10am - 12 Noon - New members welcome
Location and Access
The main entrance to the Hall and its car park are off the High Street, which is easily accessible from the A303 or A359 via Cary Road or Woolston Road. Our postcode is BA22 7DP.