200 Club April 2021

The winners of the April draw, held on Saturday 24th, are as follows:

Prize Amount Ball Number Winner
1st £50 117 J. Jennings
2nd £20 142 P. Lamb
3rd £10 78 B. Loe

The new 200 Club Year starts in May and subscriptions must be renewed by Friday 21st May in order to be included in the May draw. All existing subscribers have been sent renewal invitations. If you would like to join there are numbers still available. Please download, print out (double-sided) and complete the entry form here.

200 Club March 2021

The winners of the March draw, held on Saturday 27th, are as follows:

Prize Amount Ball Number Winner
1st £50 139 P. Wood
2nd £20 78 B. Loe
3rd £10 19 C. Yates

Committee Meeting January 2021

As a result of the COVID lockdown the January Village Hall committee meeting could not take place in person.  Reports were circulated by email and the minutes were collated from these emails and the responses.

Minutes of the meeting (approved at the March virtual meeting) are available here.

200 Club February 2021

The winners of the February draw, held on Saturday 27th, are as follows:

Prize Amount Ball Number Winner
1st £50 125 G. Leaman
2nd £20 38 M. Whitemore
3rd £10 104 P. Lamb

200 Club January 2021

The winners of the January draw, held on Saturday 30th, are as follows:

Prize Amount Ball Number Winner
1st £50 163 B. Moore
2nd £20 97 A. Elliott
3rd £10 104 A. Cook

Committee Meeting November 2020

As a result of the COVID lockdown the November Village Hall committee meeting could not take place in person.  Reports were circulated by email and the minutes were collated from these emails and the responses.

Minutes of the meeting (approved at the January virtual meeting) are available here.

COVID-19 Update – January 2020

Following the Government’s decission to place the whole country in a new National Lockdown the Hall Management Committee have no choice other than to close the hall to all bookings until further notice.

200 Club December 2020

The winners of the December draw, held on Saturday 12th, are as follows:

Prize Amount Ball Number Winner
Xmas Bonus £100 34 M. Breary
1st £50 107 P. Lewis
2nd £20 170 A. Barclay
3rd £10 102 H. Keys-Toyer