• Fri

    Film Night - Friday 17th February : Mrs Harris Goes to Paris

    7:00 pmMain Hall

    Poster Mrs Harris goes to Paris

    Friday 17th February - Film Night

    Mrs. Harris Goes To Paris' tells the story of a widowed cleaning lady in 1950s London
    who falls madly in love with a couture Dior dress, and decides that she must have one of
    her own. After working to raise the funds to pursue her dream, she embarks on an
    adventure to Paris that will change not only her own outlook -- but the very future of the
    House of Dior.

    Doors open at 7pm for Licensed Bar
    Adults £6 Under 16’s £4 on the door.





  • Tue

    Pancake Evening - 3.30pm - 5pm & 6pm-7.30pm

    3:30 pmNorth Cadbury Village Hall

    North Cadbury Village Hall Committeee Pancake Evening – Tuesday 21st  Feb 2023

    1st Sitting – 3.30-5pm

    2nd Sitting – 6pm-7.30pm

    Price: £2.50 adults, £1.50 Children or £5 family ticket

    Unlimited pancakes

    Children’s area with paper, colouring in & soft play mat.

  • Fri

    David Eagle – Fri 24th February 2023

    7:30 pmMain Hall

    David Eagle – Fri 24th February 2023 - Evening

    New Comedian Of The Year (Leicester Square Theatre 2019, Bath Comedy Festival 2019, Nottingham Comedy Festival 2018) and member of three-time BBC Radio 2 Folk Award winning band The Young'uns

    David is blind and his stand up often explores how this leads him into numerous surprising, hilarious encounters and misadventures. Armed with an accordion, he punctuates the jokes and stories with the occasional comedy song, one of which was written about in the Guardian as “a comic tour de force.”

    Tickets £12 from North Cadbury Village Store and online via TakeArt website using link https://www.ticketsource.co.uk/take-art/david-eagle-flying-solo/2023-02-24/19:30/t-qjmnmvo (booking fee applies) now.


  • Sat

    Charity Family Race Night - Sat 4th March

    6:00 pmMain Hall

    Sat 4th March – Charity Family Racenight in conjunction with Brue Valley Rotary Club

    Doors open 6pm, first race 6.30pm

    Proceeds in aid of the Village Hall and the Rotary Club nominated charities Promiseworks and MNDA.

    Tickets £6 adults and accompanied U16s £4 (includes a light supper)

    Tickets available from North Cadbury Village Store or email Graham via gjenn2802@gmail.com



  • Fri

    Film Night - "Living" starring Bill Nighy - Friday 17th March

    7:00 pmMain Hall

    Fri 17th March – Film Night "Living" starring Bill Nighy

    Doors open 7pm, Film commences at 7.30pm

    With Subtitles

    Starring Bill Nighy, Aimee Lou Wood, Alex Sharp and Tom Burke.

    Directed by Oliver Hermanus

    A veteran civil servant receives a medical diagnosis that inspires him to move to the south coast and cram some fun into his remaining days. He meets a sunny young female colleague who seems to have the pep that had previously escaped him.


    Friday 17th March 2023

    Doors open at 7pm for Licensed Bar

    Adults £6

    Under 16’s £4 on the door.

    Nights at the Movies-Living



  • Sat

    Quiz Night - Sat 25th March

    7:00 pmMain Hall

    Village Hall Quiz poster 25-03-23Sat 25st March – Village Hall Quiz Night

    Doors open 7pm, Quiz commences at 7.30pm

    Proceeds in aid of the Village Hall.

    Entry £7.00 and includes refreshments at half time.

    Come along with your team or on your own and join up with others

    Bar - Refreshments



  • Fri

    Opa Rosa – Friday 31st March 2023 - A quartet of Bristol-based musicians

    7:30 pmMain Hall

    Opa Rosa – Friday 31st March 2023

    Opa Rosa are an energetic quartet of Bristol-based musicians. As skilled interpreters of music from the Klezmer, Balkan, Greek & Roma traditions, they are fast gaining a reputation as one of the city’s most dynamic and virtuosic bands. In their repertoire is a vibrant collection of melodies from all across the Balkans every detail and ornament of which is played with fiery precision. Opa Rosa's masterfully arranged tunes capture all the joy and sorrow that these traditions are so renowned for expressing.

    Tickets £12 from North Cadbury Village Store (from late Feb) or online now via TakeArt website using link https://takeart.org/event/opa-rosa-1  (booking fee applies).


  • Sat

    Cockleshell Heroes - Talk by Graham Dunlop

    7:00 pmNorth Cadbury Village Hall

    Tickets available from the Village Shop

  • Sat

    1st April - Tennis Club - 2023/24 Memberships commence

    9am - 9pm

    Come along and join

    North Cadbury Tennis Club

    Annual memberships run from 1st April to 31st March

    First club night – Monday 24th April 6.00pm

    We have 2 excellent all weather courts


    Join from 1st March at:  membermojo.co.uk/nctc


    Adult                                                             £45

    Child (U18)                                                   £10

    Family (2 adults + Students/children)            £100

    Student (18+ in Full time education)             £20


    Pay & Play £5 per Court: Collect key from North Cadbury Village Stores

  • Fri

    Film Night - Elvis - Friday 21st April

    7:00 pmMain Hall

    Fri 21st April – Film Night "Elvis"

    Doors open 7pm, Film commences at 7.30pm

    With Subtitles
    Starring Austin Butler, Tom Hanks and Olivia DeJonge

    Directed by Baz Luhrmann

    The film explores the life and music of Elvis Presley (Butler), seen through the
    prism of his complicated relationship with his enigmatic manager, Colonel Tom
    Parker (Hanks). Central to that journey is one of the most significant and
    influential people in Elvis's life, Priscilla Presley (Olivia DeJonge).

    Friday 17th March 2023

    Doors open at 7pm for Licensed Bar

    Adults £6

    Under 16’s £4 on the door.

     Elvis poster



  • Mon

    North Cadbury Tennis Club -Monday 24th April

    6:00 pmMain Hall

    First club night – Monday 24th April 6.00pm

    Come along and join

    North Cadbury Tennis Club

    Annual memberships run from 1st April to 31st March

    First club night – Monday 24th April 6.00pm

    We have 2 excellent all weather courts


    Join from 1st March at:  membermojo.co.uk/nctc


    Adult                                                             £45

    Child (U18)                                                   £10

    Family (2 adults + Students/children)     £100

    Student (18+ in Full time education)      £20


    Pay & Play £5 per Court: Collect key from North Cadbury Village Stores


  • Sun

    Coronation Lunch - Sunday 7th May - 12 Noon - 4pm

    12:00 pmNorth Cadbury Village Hall


    Sunday 7th May 12 Noon - 4pm

    It’s time to dust off your bunting again and join us for The Coronation Big Lunch. So bring a Picnic and come and celebrate this momentous occasion with your family, friends and neighbours at North Cadbury Village Hall.

    Starting at 12 Noon this is a great opportunity for everyone to get together in a relaxed and joyous atmosphere.

    The bar will be open for drinks and ice creams and there will be crowns for both the young, and the not so young, to decorate.

    So gather together your picnic blankets and yummy goodies and be part of something amazing.

    Long tables and chairs will be set up in the village hall (& possibly outside - weather permitting).

  • Fri

    Film Night - Fisherman's Friends 2 - Friday 19th May

    7:00 pmMain Hall

    Nights at the Movies-Fisherman's Friends 2Friday 19th May– Film Night "Fisherman's Friends One & All"

    Doors open 7pm, Film commences at 7.30pm

    Starring James Purefoy; Sam Swainsbury; Dave Johns; Richard Hainsworth;

    Peter Hicks and Imelda May.

    Directed by Nick Moorcroft and Meg Leonard

    After the highs of performing on the pyramid stage at Glastonbury, the group struggle with their second album. During a divisive tour of South Australia, they will trace their ancestors and embrace a new community, and discover their musical DNA.

    The sequel to the 2019 film Fisherman's Friends, the film follows the continued career of Fisherman's Friends


    Friday 19th May 2023

    Doors open at 7pm for Licensed Bar

    Adults £6

    Under 16’s £4 on the door.




  • Wed

    Little City Role Play for Under 6s - Session 1

    9:30 amMain Hall

    Little City Role Play for Under 6s - Session 1

    Little City is an award-winning mobile role play centre for children up to the age of 6, and it's coming to North Cadbury!  The 'City' is made up of 10 bays representing the grown up world our children observe us in everyday: will they get the food shopping done in the supermarket? Post letters in the post office? Care for the poorly animals in the Vets? Or maybe they'll treat someone to a fresh look at the hair salon! At Little City, children can do and be all of these things (and more!) all in just over an hour's playtime.

    The first event is on Wednesday 28th June. There are two session times to choose from - 9.30am and 11am

    Each play session is 1 hour 15 minutes long

    Tickets are limited to ensure the best quality play experience for the children and are booked online at https://littlecity.my-sfs.com/app.group.php?NorthDorset

    First child: £7.70
    Second child: £7.70
    Third child onwards: £6.50
    Cancellation policy:
    Within 24 hrs: None

    All children are welcome at our sessions. Babies and non-walking children are free to attend with a paying child; please bring tiny ones in a sling/carrier where possible. There will be a 'real' cafe selling tea and coffee for parents, grandparents and carers plus a small array of snacks for anyone who gets peckish during play.

    Follow 'Little City - North Dorset' on Facebook or littlecitynorthdorset on Instagram for the latest updates on ticket releases each month

    Little City can be hired for birthday parties and we are also perfect for visits to schools and nurseries!

    Contact:  rachael@littlecityuk.com 

    07771 742748

    The sessions are located in North Cadbury Village Hall which has a play area and picnic area which you may like to visit.



  • Wed

    Little City Role Play for Under 6s - Session 2

    11:00 amMain Hall

    Little City Role Play for Under 6s - Session 2

    Little City is an award-winning mobile role play centre for children up to the age of 6, and it's coming to North Cadbury!  The 'City' is made up of 10 bays representing the grown up world our children observe us in everyday: will they get the food shopping done in the supermarket? Post letters in the post office? Care for the poorly animals in the Vets? Or maybe they'll treat someone to a fresh look at the hair salon! At Little City, children can do and be all of these things (and more!) all in just over an hour's playtime.

    The event is on Wednesday 28th June. from -  11 am - 12.15 pm

    Each play session is 1 hour 15 minutes long

    Tickets are limited to ensure the best quality play experience for the children and are booked online at https://littlecity.my-sfs.com/app.group.php?NorthDorset

    First child: £7.70
    Second child: £7.70
    Third child onwards: £6.50
    Cancellation policy:
    Within 24 hrs: None

    All children are welcome at our sessions. Babies and non-walking children are free to attend with a paying child; please bring tiny ones in a sling/carrier where possible. There will be a 'real' cafe selling tea and coffee for parents, grandparents and carers plus a small array of snacks for anyone who gets peckish during play.

    Follow 'Little City - North Dorset' on Facebook or littlecitynorthdorset on Instagram for the latest updates on ticket releases each month

    Little City can be hired for birthday parties and we are also perfect for visits to schools and nurseries!

    Contact:  rachael@littlecityuk.com 

    07771 742748

    The sessions are located in North Cadbury Village Hall which has a play area and picnic area which you may like to visit.



  • Fri

    North Cadbury Summer Fair

    3:15 pmMain Hall

    North Cadbury Summer Fair to be held in the Village Hall and Playing Field

    BBQ - Tombola - Cake stall - Raffle - Face painting

    Skittles - Tug of War - Beat the Goalie - Nerf Gun - Welly Wanging

    Crafts and much more

    Held by North Cadbury Church of England Primary School PTA

  • Thu

    Little City Role Play for Under 6s - Session 1

    9:30 amMain Hall

    Little City Role Play for Under 6s - Session 1

    Little City is an award-winning mobile role play centre for children up to the age of 6, and it's coming to North Cadbury!  The 'City' is made up of 10 bays representing the grown up world our children observe us in everyday: will they get the food shopping done in the supermarket? Post letters in the post office? Care for the poorly animals in the Vets? Or maybe they'll treat someone to a fresh look at the hair salon! At Little City, children can do and be all of these things (and more!) all in just over an hour's playtime.

    The first event is on Thursday 27th July. There are two session times to choose from - 9.30am and 11am

    Each play session is 1 hour 15 minutes long

    Tickets are limited to ensure the best quality play experience for the children and are booked online at https://littlecity.my-sfs.com/app.group.php?NorthDorset

    First child: £7.70
    Second child: £7.70
    Third child onwards: £6.50
    Cancellation policy:
    Within 24 hrs: None

    All children are welcome at our sessions. Babies and non-walking children are free to attend with a paying child; please bring tiny ones in a sling/carrier where possible. There will be a 'real' cafe selling tea and coffee for parents, grandparents and carers plus a small array of snacks for anyone who gets peckish during play.

    Follow 'Little City - North Dorset' on Facebook or littlecitynorthdorset on Instagram for the latest updates on ticket releases each month

    Little City can be hired for birthday parties and we are also perfect for visits to schools and nurseries!

    Contact:  rachael@littlecityuk.com 

    07771 742748

    The sessions are located in North Cadbury Village Hall which has a play area and picnic area which you may like to visit.



  • Thu

    Little City Role Play for Under 6s - Session 2

    11:00 amMain Hall

    Little City Role Play for Under 6s - Session 2

    Little City is an award-winning mobile role play centre for children up to the age of 6, and it's coming to North Cadbury!  The 'City' is made up of 10 bays representing the grown up world our children observe us in everyday: will they get the food shopping done in the supermarket? Post letters in the post office? Care for the poorly animals in the Vets? Or maybe they'll treat someone to a fresh look at the hair salon! At Little City, children can do and be all of these things (and more!) all in just over an hour's playtime.

    The first event is on Thursday 27th July. There are two session times to choose from - 9.30am and 11am

    Each play session is 1 hour 15 minutes long

    Tickets are limited to ensure the best quality play experience for the children and are booked online at https://littlecity.my-sfs.com/app.group.php?NorthDorset

    First child: £7.70
    Second child: £7.70
    Third child onwards: £6.50
    Cancellation policy:
    Within 24 hrs: None

    All children are welcome at our sessions. Babies and non-walking children are free to attend with a paying child; please bring tiny ones in a sling/carrier where possible. There will be a 'real' cafe selling tea and coffee for parents, grandparents and carers plus a small array of snacks for anyone who gets peckish during play.

    Follow 'Little City - North Dorset' on Facebook or littlecitynorthdorset on Instagram for the latest updates on ticket releases each month

    Little City can be hired for birthday parties and we are also perfect for visits to schools and nurseries!

    Contact:  rachael@littlecityuk.com 

    07771 742748

    The sessions are located in North Cadbury Village Hall which has a play area and picnic area which you may like to visit.



  • Sat

    Garden Club Open Gardens Tour and Cream Teas

    2:00 pmNorth Cadbury Village Hall

    Collect a map from the Village Hall and follow the Open Gardens Tour.  Then return to the Village Hall for a delicious cream tea.

  • Sat

    Village Hall Coffee Morning and 200 Club Draw

    10:30 amNorth Cadbury Village Hall

    Village Hall Coffee Morning and 200 Club Draw

    10.30 - 12 Noon

  • Sun

    Harvest Lunch

    12:15 pmNorth Cadbury Village Hall

    Village Harvest Lunch

    12.15 pm

    All welcome to come and meet your neighbours and enjoy a delicious lunch.

    Bar open

  • Fri

    Film Night: Operation Mincemeat starring Colin Firth

    7:00 pmMain Hall

    Poster Operation MincemeatFilm Night: Operation Mincemeat starring Colin Firth

    Doors open 7pm, Film commences at 7.30pm

    Starring Colin Firth, Johnny Flynn, Kelly Macdonald, Matthew MacFadyen
    Directed by John Madden
    It's 1943. The Allies are determined to break Hitler's grip on occupied Europe and
    plan an all-out assault on Sicily; but they face an impossible challenge - how to
    protect a massive invasion force from potential massacre.


    Friday 22nd September 2023
    Doors open at 7pm for Licensed Bar
    Adults £6 Under 16’s £4 on the door.

    Doors open at 7pm for Licensed Bar

    Adults £6

    Under 16’s £4 on the door.




  • Sat

    Village Hall Coffee Morning and 200 Club Draw

    10:30 amNorth Cadbury Village Hall

    Village Hall Coffee Morning and 200 Club Draw

    10.30 - 12 Noon

  • Wed

    North Cadbury Gardening Club - Hedgehog Awareness by Laura Batt - Non members and guests welcome

    7:00 pmNorth Cadbury Village Hall

    North Cadbury Gardening Club - Hedgehog Awareness by Laura Batt

    We meet the third Wednesday of every month at 7pm for 7.30pm in the Village Hall.

    We are always delighted to welcome new members, so do come along and join us. Non-members and guests  are welcome to join us at our monthly meetings for a £5 charge.
    Contact - Chairman, Sarah Newsom 01963 441533

  • Fri

    Film Night: The Duke starring Jim Broadbent and Helen Mirren

    7:00 pmMain Hall

    Film Night : The Duke starring Jim Broadbent and Helen Mirren

    Doors open 7pm, Film commences at 7.30pm

    In 1961, a 6o-year-old taxi driver steals Goya’s portrait of the Duke of Wellington from the National Gallery in London. He sends ransom notes saying that he will return the painting if the government invests more in care for the elderly

    Poster 2023 - The Duke

    Doors open at 7pm for Licensed Bar

    Adults £6

    Under 16’s £4 on the door.




  • Sat

    Village Hall Coffee Morning and 200 Club Draw - All welcome

    10:30 amNorth Cadbury Village Hall

    Village Hall Coffee Morning and 200 Club Draw - All welcome

    Come along and join your friends and neighbours for tea/ coffee and cakes.

    During the coffee morning we will also be doing the 200 Club Draw.

    If you would like to join the 200 Club, please email Liz at 200club@northcadburyvillagehall.org.uk

    All proceeds from the Coffee Mornings go towards supporting the upkeep of our lovely Village Hall.

  • Sat

    Quiz Night - Sat 28th October

    7:00 pmMain Hall

    Sat 28th October 2023– Village Hall Quiz Night

    Doors open 7pm, Quiz commences at 7.30pm

    Proceeds in aid of the Village Hall.

    Entry £8.00 and includes refreshments at half time.

    Come along with your team ofr 2-6 people or on your own and join up with others

    Ouiz Master : Ron Wood
    Doors open at 7pm Quiz starts promptly at 7.30pm
    Between 2 and 6 people in a team
    Come with your team or just on your own and join up with others

    (lncludes light supper at half time)
    Cash Prizes for 1st and 2nd teams

    Bar - Refreshments

    Table reservations advised by calling 01963 440554
    or Email: robin@systemshark. com


  • Sat

    Rockin the Joint – A 50/60’s Rock and Roll Trio

    7:30 pmMain Hall

    Poster Rockin the Joint Poster 2023Rockin’ The Joint – Saturday 11th November 2023– Doors open 7pm. Bar available.

    This is a charity fund raiser 

    An evening of 50's and 60’s Rock and Roll so dig out your dancing shoes for a bit of old school Rock n Roll.

    Tickets £14 available North Cadbury Village Store or on sale online at https://www.ticketsource.co.uk/north-cadbury-village-hall

    See poster for more details

  • Sun

    Remembrance Sunday - Big Curry Lunch

    12:15 pmNorth Cadbury Village Hall

    Remembrance Sunday - The Big Curry Lunch

    12 Noon - after the church service at St Michael's, North Cadbury

    All welcome to come and meet your neighbours and enjoy a delicious lunch.

    Tickets kindly available from the North Cadbury Village Shop

    Adults £10

    Children £3.95

    Advance booking advisable as numbers are limited

    Bar open

  • Wed

    North Cadbury Gardening Club - Winter Hanging Baskets and Primrose Balls a talk and demonstration by Castle Gardens

    7:00 pmNorth Cadbury Village Hall

    North Cadbury Gardening Club - Winter Hanging Baskets and Primrose Balls a talk and demonstration by Castle Gardens

    We meet the third Wednesday of every month at 7 for 7.30pm in the Village Hall.

    We are always delighted to welcome new members, so do come along and join us. Non-members and guests  are welcome to join us at our monthly meetings for a £5 charge.
    Contact - Chairman, Sarah Newsom 01963 441533

  • Sat


    10:00 amNorth Cadbury Village Hall


    Saturday 18th November 2023

    10 am – 12 Noon

    North Cadbury Village Hall

    Raffle   Gift Stall      Cakes

    In aid of Camps International  Kenya expedition 2024

    For more details or for offers of jumble please call Claire or Jess Harding 01963 440474

  • Fri

    Film Night: Knives Out starring Daniel Craig

    7:00 pmMain Hall


    Doors open 7pm, Film commences at 7.30pm



    Friday 24th November 2023

    Doors open at 7pm for Licensed Bar

    Adults £6

    Under 16’s £4 on the door.

    Doors open at 7pm for Licensed Bar

    Adults £6

    Under 16’s £4 on the door.




  • Sat

    Village Hall Coffee Morning and 200 Club Draw - All welcome

    10:30 amNorth Cadbury Village Hall

    Village Hall Coffee Morning and 200 Club Draw - All welcome

    Come along and join your friends and neighbours for tea/ coffee and cakes.

    During the coffee morning we will also be doing the 200 Club Draw.

    If you would like to join the 200 Club, please email Liz at 200club@northcadburyvillagehall.org.uk

    All proceeds from the Coffee Mornings go towards supporting the upkeep of our lovely Village Hall.

  • Thu

    Camelot Players Present A Christmas Carol

    7:00 pmNorth Cadbury Village Hall

    Camelot Players present:  A Christmas Carol - Scrooge


    For this production we are taking on the adaptation by Patrick Barlow (The 39 Steps) which puts a comic twist on the traditional Charles Dickens tale.

    Doors open 7pm, show commences at 7.30pm

    Tickets: £12 Adults  &  £9 Children - Available from:

    North Cadbury Village Stores or


    Tel: 01963 440554

    Bar open

  • Thu

    Little City Role Play for Under 6s - Session 1 - Christmas at Little City!

    9:20 amMain Hall

    Little City Role Play for Under 6s - 1 - Christmas at Little City!

    Christmas at Little City!

    Come and help us serve gingerbread in the cafe, make some Christmas dinner and of course sort all the Christmas post!

    Every child will leave with an exclusive Little City gift. We love Christmas at Little City and can't wait to welcome you along to our festive-themed play sessions North Cadbury Village Hall is a lovely hall located in the village of North Cadbury just off the A303, about 10 minutes from Wincanton. There is a good-sized car park available and access is through the main doors at the front of the hall. The main doors lead into a foyer where buggies/prams can be left to maximise the space available in the hall; alternatively please use a sling/carrier for tiny ones attending the session with you.

    The first event is on Thursday 14th December. There are two session times to choose from - 9.30am and 11am

    Each play session is 1 hour 15 minutes long

    Tickets are limited to ensure the best quality play experience for the children and are booked online at https://littlecity.my-sfs.com/app.group.php?NorthDorset

    First child: £9.25
    Second child: £9.25
    Third child onwards: £7.80
    Cancellation policy:
    Within 24 hrs: None

    There will be a 'real' cafe selling tea and coffee for parents, grandparents and carers plus a small array of snacks for anyone who gets peckish during play.

    Follow 'Little City - North Dorset' on Facebook or littlecitynorthdorset on Instagram for the latest updates on ticket releases each month

    Little City can be hired for birthday parties and we are also perfect for visits to schools and nurseries!

    Contact:  rachael@littlecityuk.com 

    07771 742748

    The sessions are located in North Cadbury Village Hall which has a play area and picnic area which you may like to visit.



  • Thu

    Little City Role Play for Under 6s - Session 2 - Christmas at Little City!

    11:00 amMain Hall

    Little City Role Play for Under 6s - Session 2

    Christmas at Little City!

    Come and help us serve gingerbread in the cafe, make some Christmas dinner and of course sort all the Christmas post!

    Every child will leave with an exclusive Little City gift. We love Christmas at Little City and can't wait to welcome you along to our festive-themed play sessions North Cadbury Village Hall is a lovely hall located in the village of North Cadbury just off the A303, about 10 minutes from Wincanton. There is a good-sized car park available and access is through the main doors at the front of the hall. The main doors lead into a foyer where buggies/prams can be left to maximise the space available in the hall; alternatively please use a sling/carrier for tiny ones attending the session with you.

    The first event is on Thursday 14th December. There are two session times to choose from - 9.30am and 11am

    Each play session is 1 hour 15 minutes long

    Tickets are limited to ensure the best quality play experience for the children and are booked online at https://littlecity.my-sfs.com/app.group.php?NorthDorset

    First child: £9.25
    Second child: £9.25
    Third child onwards: £7.80
    Cancellation policy:
    Within 24 hrs: None

    There will be a 'real' cafe selling tea and coffee for parents, grandparents and carers plus a small array of snacks for anyone who gets peckish during play.

    Follow 'Little City - North Dorset' on Facebook or littlecitynorthdorset on Instagram for the latest updates on ticket releases each month

    Little City can be hired for birthday parties and we are also perfect for visits to schools and nurseries!

    Contact:  rachael@littlecityuk.com 

    07771 742748

    The sessions are located in North Cadbury Village Hall which has a play area and picnic area which you may like to visit.



  • Sat

    Village Hall Coffee Morning and 200 Club GRAND Christmas Draw - All welcome

    10:30 amNorth Cadbury Village Hall

    Village Hall Coffee Morning and 200 Club Christmas Draw - All welcome

    Come along and join your friends and neighbours for tea/ coffee and cakes.

    During the coffee morning we will also be doing the 200 Club Christmas Draw.

    If you would like to join the 200 Club, please email Liz at 200club@northcadburyvillagehall.org.uk

    All proceeds from the Coffee Mornings go towards supporting the upkeep of our lovely Village Hall.


Regular Bookings

200 Club & Coffee Morning

Held on the last Saturday of every month (apart from December when it is before Christmas).
This is an informal get together for coffee, tea and cake, and the monthly 200 club draw.

Camelot Players

The Camelot Players are currently rehearing for their next pantomime production in December 2021.

Anyone interested in helping, either as a cast member or back stage please contact Adam Ebbage on adamebbage@yahoo.co.uk or get in touch via our website https://camelotplayers.wixsite.com/productions/upcoming-productions

Gardening Club

We meet the third Wednesday of every month at 7 for 7.30 pm in the Village Hall. We are always delighted to welcome new members, so do come along and join us. Non-members and guests  are welcome to join us at our monthly meetings for a small charge.
Contact -  Nikki Ojiambo - Secretary email: ojiambonikki@gmail.com

Table Tennis Club

Pay and Play for just £3 per session on Tuesday evenings from September through to June, from 18:30 to 20:30.
The club has 3 tournament tables - bats and balls are provided.
We play mainly doubles, as the club evenings are well attended, but some singles games are available towards the end of the sessions.

For further information contact Carole Turner (07955 346637 or cottonfields@mypostoffice.co.uk)

Women's Group

We started the group 13 years ago, after leaving the WI.
We have approximately 20-25 members and meet in the Reading Room at 10am-12 Noon on the fourth Wednesday of the month. We have interesting speakers, monthly lunches , outings and raise money for local charities. We always welcome new members, so please drop in and have a coffee and see if you would like to join us!

Tennis Club

North Cadbury Tennis Club is run independently to the Village Hall.

There are two hard surface all weather courts situated in the heart of the village, just behind the village hall and adjacent to the recreation area.
The club has around 100 members and has an active social and match programme.
Fees for joining are modest as we believe in the “sport for all” concept.

Club nights take place during the summer months on Monday evenings from 6pm. New members always welcome, please feel free to come along to try it out!

For membership details please contact Janet Montgomery janetmontgomery1231@gmail.com  07971756111 and Jane Braybon 01963 440660.

Pay & Play - The Courts are also available for hire to the public for £10 via the Village Shop or a Club Member

Folk Night

Folk Night at the Village Hall.
First Tuesday of the month.
19:30 - 22:30 in the Reading Room.

Come and play, sing, join in or just listen- all sorts of acoustic music, from actual folk to Bob Dylan and the Beatles.
All very informal, and everyone is welcome.