Coronavirus Update
MoreWhile we are within a Tier 4 Area we regret that all functions sponsored by North Cadbury Village Hall have been cancelled until further notice.
All clubs and user groups are also suspended.
We apologise for having to do this but the health and wellbeing of our community is paramount.
Sat29May202110:30 until 12:00Main Hall
Coffee Morning
MoreCoffee Mornings are back!
Starting Saturday 29th May we are resuming our popular Coffee Mornings.
This first one will be subject to social distancing regulations so the 'rule of 6 or 2 households' will apply.
Please keep to your table and keep at least two metres from other groups.
Refreshments will be brought to your table by 'waitress' service. -
Sat29May202113:00 until 17:00Main Hall
Plant Sale
MoreNorth Cadbury Gardening Club are holding their annual Plant Sale on Saturday 29th May.
Please be aware that social distancing rules still apply.
Sat14Aug20216:30 pm
Race Night with Brue Valley Rotary Club
MoreWe are holding a Charity Race Night with 50% of the profits going to the Village Hall and 50% to Brue Valley Rotary in aid of Parkinson's UK.
Advance Tickets at £5 (including supper) will be available from the Village Stores, or via the Hall Treasurer (01963 351629 or treasurer@northcadburyvillagehall.org.uk). Accompanied children half-price.
Doors open 18:30 for the first race at 19:00.
Please note that we will only be accepting CASH bets - £1 per horse per race,.
There will be a bar (which does now accept card payments).
Tue05Oct20217:30 pmReading Room
Folk Night
MoreFolk Night at the Village Hall - Tuesday October 5th 19:30 - 22:30.
Come and play, sing, join in or just listen- all sorts of acoustic music, from actual folk to Bob Dylan and the Beatles.
All very informal, and everyone is welcome.We hope to make this a regular event on the first Tuesday of the month.
Thu07Oct20217:30 pmVillage Hall
Village Hall AGM
MoreOur 2021 AGM will be held in the Main Hall starting at 19:30.
Refreshments will be served from 19:00.The meeting is open to members of the public so this is your chance to come along and let us know what you want from your Village Hall.
Fri15Oct2021Doors 7pm: Film 7:30pm
Film Night - Blithe Spirit
MoreBlithe Spirit (Cert 12A) is a 2020 adaptation of the famous Noel Coward play and starts Judy Dench.
A spiritualist medium holds a seance for a writer suffering from writer's block but accidentally summons the spirit of his deceased first wife, which leads to an increasingly complex love triangle with his current wife of five years. See trailer at IMDB.
Tickets from the Village Shop or on the door.
Adults £6. Under 16s £4.Licensed Bar.
Sat30Oct20217:00 pm
Quiz Night
MoreCome and enjoy our Friendly, Laid Back, Highly Competitive, Interesting, Argumentative, Enjoyable
with Quiz Master Ron Wood.Doors open 7pm - Quiz starts promptly at 7:30pm.
Between 2 and 6 people in a team.
Come with your team or just on your own and join up with others.
Cash Prizes for teams finishing 1st and 2nd.Entry £7 per person includes supper at half time.
Bar available.
All proceeds go to Village Hall funds.
Fri19Nov2021Doors 7pm: Film 7:30pm
Film Night - 1917
More1917 (Cert 15) is the 2019 Oscar winning film from Sam Mendes.
April 6th, 1917. As a regiment assembles to wage war deep in enemy territory, two soldiers are assigned to race against time and deliver a message that will stop 1,600 men from walking straight into a deadly trap. See trailer at IMDB.
Tickets from the Village Shop or on the door.
Adults £6. Under 16s £4.Licensed Bar.
Regular Bookings
Held on the last Saturday of every month (apart from December when it is before Christmas).
This is an informal get together for coffee, tea and cake, and the monthly 200 club draw.
The Camelot Players are currently rehearing for their next pantomime production in December 2021.
Anyone interested in helping, either as a cast member or back stage please contact Adam Ebbage on adamebbage@yahoo.co.uk or get in touch via our website https://camelotplayers.wixsite.com/productions/upcoming-productions
We meet the third Wednesday of every month at 7 for 7.30 pm in the Village Hall. We are always delighted to welcome new members, so do come along and join us. Non-members and guests are welcome to join us at our monthly meetings for a small charge.
Contact - Nikki Ojiambo - Secretary email: ojiambonikki@gmail.com
Pay and Play for just £3 per session on Tuesday evenings from September through to June, from 18:30 to 20:30.
The club has 3 tournament tables - bats and balls are provided.
We play mainly doubles, as the club evenings are well attended, but some singles games are available towards the end of the sessions.
For further information contact Carole Turner (07955 346637 or cottonfields@mypostoffice.co.uk)
We started the group 13 years ago, after leaving the WI.
We have approximately 20-25 members and meet in the Reading Room at 10am-12 Noon on the fourth Wednesday of the month. We have interesting speakers, monthly lunches , outings and raise money for local charities. We always welcome new members, so please drop in and have a coffee and see if you would like to join us!
North Cadbury Tennis Club is run independently to the Village Hall.
There are two hard surface all weather courts situated in the heart of the village, just behind the village hall and adjacent to the recreation area.
The club has around 100 members and has an active social and match programme.
Fees for joining are modest as we believe in the “sport for all” concept.
Club nights take place during the summer months on Monday evenings from 6pm. New members always welcome, please feel free to come along to try it out!
For membership details please contact Janet Montgomery janetmontgomery1231@gmail.com 07971756111 and Jane Braybon 01963 440660.
Pay & Play - The Courts are also available for hire to the public for £10 via the Village Shop or a Club Member
Folk Night at the Village Hall.
First Tuesday of the month.
19:30 - 22:30 in the Reading Room.
Come and play, sing, join in or just listen- all sorts of acoustic music, from actual folk to Bob Dylan and the Beatles.
All very informal, and everyone is welcome.